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Lupa (GSRA class of 2015)

Utterly patient, unmistakably empathetic, super gentle and friendly, eager to please, and a bundle of joy to have around are some of the words that describe the Lupa we knew. She unselfishly gave us nine wonderful years (2015-2024) of happiness by sharing her joy with us and everyone around her, including total strangers she had never met. Her magical power of drawing people onto her was endless; that might be why hardly anyone passes by her, even from the other side of the road, without praising her beauty or wanting to pet her. We think it is not just her appearance, but also her trusting open heart. Lupa was everyone's friend.

Lupa was "expressive" in many ways. We wish we had a Google Translate for doggie talk to have known what she was saying exactly through her different barks, howls, yelps, even though we understood her underlying feelings. Her body expressions were unmistakable when she was happy and excited to go out of the house, to go for a walk, to meet her four legged friends and their two-legged parents, and to welcome people into her house.

Through the many precious and fond memories that she left us with, Lupa will live in our hearts forever.


I am forever appreciative to GSRA for the opportunity to love Kimber. Although I was familiar with GSDs I had never worked with a Belgian Mallinois before, and, boy was I in for a treat! Kimber was every bit of energy that Mallinois' are known for. She loved to stay on the go! She immediately took to her off-leash training and won the heart of her instructor as well. She was an amazing blessing in my life and I treasure my memories of her. She truly was the sweetest dog, she loved people and especially adored little children. I enjoyed sharing my life with her and she always looked out for me. I thank the Lord that He gave me a sweet angel as a companion for many years. She was my best friend and brought me so much joy. I miss her snuggles and antics of messing with the cat. Thank you, Kimber, you touched so many hearts with your warm personality and abundant love. You are forever free to swim and run.

Smokey Donut

14 years we had with Smokey, the best family dog we could've asked for. We got Smokey when he was only 6 months old, he had a broken leg and had been abused by his previous owners. He was anxious, timid, and scared of our dad. We spent countless hours loving Smokey and showing him that he had nothing to worry about, he was in his furever home. Although he wasn't a big fan of fetch, Smokey loved to run around in the yard and bark at the all the chickens and deer. The couch was his favorite place to lounge on when we weren't home. The toilet bowl was the only thing he would drink from. He loved getting his head scratched, always came up to you and rubbed his head on your lap waiting for a good ole head rub. Marshmallows were his absolute favorite, every time he heard the rustle of the bag his ears popped up and he was right there waiting for his treat. Storms scared him, our mom was his favorite person, and the way he greeted you at the door when you got home was the best. You could always count on Smokey to cheer you up when you were sad. Smokey lived such a wonderful life, outliving his life span by 2 years and being loved endlessly by our whole family. There is a paw sized whole in our hearts now that Smokey is gone, we will miss him forever and cherish all the memories we have with him. 14 years was still not enough. Many will say that we saved Smokey, but really Smokey saved us. Smokey Donut, you were the bestest buddy, we love you more than you'll ever know!


Our Lily we miss you every day. Our family is not the same without you. I hope you are chasing the bunnies and are pain free. Until we meet again my seeet girl.


Ruby (formerly Lucy) was our third dog added to our family, adopted from GSRA in early 2010. She was born in late 2009 to a GSD female, and had two brothers, Diego and Dodger, also GSRA rescues. (I'm hopeful I might get an update on her brothers by posting this memorial.)

As our third adoption, Ruby was the youngest of our dogs. She quickly learned from her older sisters and showed her loyal and eager-to-please nature from the start by falling right into the pack and picking up the routine. She never even had an accident inside!

Ruby was an energetic, agile puppy. She ran with graceful speed; we used to joke that she was part gazelle by the way she could leap and jump. She stayed puppy-like for years, so much so that we called her the "Giant Puppy." She enjoyed many trips to the Outer Banks where she could run and splash on the beach with her canine sisters. She loved the water and enjoyed many dips on the trails at Jordan Lake as well. She was excellent in the car. She followed along with whatever we were doing with a happy spirit.

It is difficult to sum up Ruby's life and the gift she was to us. She enjoyed many comforts and a low-stress life; she was rarely alone, was never boarded, and was deeply bonded to us. She was gentle, loyal, respectful, and loving. She stepped up and helped us with our grief when her oldest canine sister died in 2020. She loved her walks. She loved to lean into people for hugs and paw at them for more pets and attention. Aside from a few injuries here and there over the course of her life, she was healthy until the final month or so. Ruby was 13 years, 7 months old when she died, and although that is a good long life for a shepherd mix, it felt far too short to us. She is and will forever be missed.

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